Elise Lucet Gas Station Video
As per the report, on Wednesday, 12th October 2022, a video viewing Elise Lucet getting involved in an argument at a gas station and this video was later on posted on Tiktok and then on Reddit and within a short time span, it went viral. This video was recorded by 3rd party, and at the time of writing the video was watched more than a million times on social media platforms. People are sharing it and commenting on it. The video is featuring Elise Lucet and a reporter from France 2. The host of the program titled “Cash Investigation” is hence engaged in a tense situation in a gas station when she looks to protect a lady who is doubled in the line.
Elise Lucet Argument In Gas Station Video
The caption of the viral video is “Messy Gas station in the next Cash Investigation”. After watching the video a media outlet contacted Elise Lucet on Thursday, 13th October 2022, The presenter described the scene that had taken place on Saturday, 8th October 2022 when she was filming a report for a situation of Envoye Special which is addressing the issue of the shortage of fuel in the country. As per the reports, for many weeks, the native of France are facing the issue of a shortage of fuel which driving the service station of the country into actual chaos. There are some regions that are luckily spared, while others have turned into huge traffic jams where the elite people have taken over the rest. Some people take the chance to stock up on fuel, and some are stealing it. In other words, the situation of this shortage of fuel is becoming critical and worsening on the territory. According to the reports, if the battle in Ukraine is the reason for the increase in the price at the gas station, the lack of fuel is because of the strike of refiners. Now the viral video of the French reporter brought this issue to the attention of the world. In the video, she is seen arguing with a motorist in his vehicle.